Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Discussion questions for Monday 1-7

Discussion questions Schudson 1-90

What are parajournalists and what is their relation to news?

What are the goals of the book?

What does Schudson mean when he says news making is a manufacturing process?

What is journalism?

What factors contribute to the distortion of news?

How are news policies political?

What are news frames? What are some of the factors that influence news frames? How does professionalism produce certain frames?

Why do reporters stick to the status quo?

On what basis does he critique Chomsky and Herman (or why is the US news media different that soviet propaganda?

What’s the critique from the right and why is it risky?

What is the public sphere and how was it influenced by the 19C. newspaper?

What does Benedict Anderson mean by imagined communities?

How did objectivity emerge as a central norm in US journalism?

How did Vietnam and Watergate permanently change the field?

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